Customs and traditions of english speaking countries - сочинение на английском языке

Every country and every nation has it's own traditions and customs. It's very important to know traditions and customs of different people. It will help you to know more about the history and life of different nations and countries.One cannot speak about England without speaking about it's traditions and customs. They are very important in the life of English people. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. There are six public holidays a year in G.B..

Christmas day is one of their favorite holidays. It's celebrated on the 25th of December. There are some traditions connected with it. One of them is to give presents to each other. It is not only children and members of family. It's a tradition to give christmas presents to the people you work with. Another tradition is to send christmas cards. All these cards are bright and coloured.

Most of big cities of G.B., especially London, are decorated with coloured lights and christmas trees. On Trafalgar Square, in the center of London stands a big christmas tree. It is a gift from the people of Oslo. It is over 50 feet high.

Many families celebrate christmas day in the open air near the christmas tree in order to catch the spirit of christmas. Children find christmas presents in their stockings. The traditional english dinner on christmas is turkey and pudding. Other great holidays are: Father's day, Mother's day, Halloween and other.

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