English topics
# Роза
мне нужен топик на одну из тем
difficulties awaiting young teachers.
reasons for children's being unmanageable.
how to direct a child's energy into the right channels.
ideal upbringing. -
# Александра
i need topic difficulties awaiting young teachers.Can u help me pleas!
# Ann
Reasons for children's being unmanageable
# Кристина
Мне нужен текст о моде, стиле, можно об искусстве в целом, листов на 5, и уровня повыше.
# NadYOzhDA
Где можно найти топики
"Difficulties awaiting young teachers"
"Reasons for children's being unmanageable"
"How to direct a child's energy into the right channels"
"Ideal upbringing" -
# ivanka
coчинение topic Ideal upbringing
# Foxy
Помогите с топиками!!))плз
difficulties awaiting young teachers.
deal upbringing. -
# nothing7
я писал про воспитание сочинение, может пригодится
Perfect upbringing.
Most children are put to bed with tales of princesses and fairies, but not me. When I was little boy, my father would prop open a book, titled something along the lines of Evolution for Children and read to me about the first cell division. I also remember coming into the living room to watch Walt Disney cartoons and my father happily suggesting Champions’ League on NTV+, instead. I did not quite understand what I was being shown. Nevertheless, I was exposed from very early on to the world of soccer. It did not occur to me to embark on a formal study of soccer and stake roubles on Rubin Kazan in game against Barcelona’s win until recently. I was always interested in the field, however. There was not church in my childhood. My father had planted a seed that grew in time. When I was in the 9th grade, my father did not have to ask anymore. I voluntarily would watch Champion’s League on television. In school, I tended to not give a second thought to The Grapes of Wrath, but anything by Tolstoy, Dumas, and Austen stirred my imagination. Stories of times and cultures unlike mine, plucked melodically at my psyche like a harp. Ukrainian, French, English (especially the English) presented to me another way of life, alluringly different from my Russian one. I am the one who spent hours in front of TV-set in vain – I do business there. I can’t remember some abusing with parents. I got mellow early and don’t make many troubles for them. Watching soccer stamped on my geography and language knowledge. I know where’s location of ‘Camp know’, ‘La Skalla Theatre’, know that Finland is Suomi , why habitants of Madrid are named ‘futoners’ guide and many other interesting things completed my brainwork. What is more, I made a choice of career and don’t feel nervous like other students. I will be guide in touristic agency. When I have children, I will grow them up more or less liberally. I will give them right books, will not let them watch Japanese animated cartoons (‘anime’). I won’t impress to children that they are anything but ordinary and will have a great future, because I think that a man should make his future by oneself , find a place in a permanent opulent world. And think that American idea that everyone is winner is stupid, the children psychic can’t form in a right way without such exhortative words like “You lost Pasha!”. Every living being should realize that life is only worth a damn because it's short. It's designed to be consumed, used, spent, lived, felt. We're supposed to fill it with every mistake and miracle we can manage. Life is short and we should complete it with wins and defeats. The earlier they understand it the better I brought them up. -
# nothing7
про молодых преподавателей. напишите. что привлечь внимание младшеклассников можно только при помощи интерактивных программ, множества развивающих игр, и что нужно готовиться на каждый урок как на открытый. а молодому преподавателю у старшеклассников добиться расположения сложно. есть 2 пути: первый - кричать, много кричать, быть строгим. заставлять учеников делить 3 слова на 2 части и искать в каждой главную мысль...либо второй путь, кот-й многие аспиранты изибрают -быть своим среди учеников , т.е на экзамене говорить "тройка устраивает?", также пытаться шутить с мещанских вещей, кот-е травят те у кого в классе наибольший авторитет..и т.д. в общем в этом русле развивайте свою мысль..напишите какими качествами обладает преподаватель выбравший первый путь, какими - второй. и закончить можно топик каким-то пребложением со словом "дилемма"